Hope For The Future

Dec 24, 2023    Pastor Brian Boswell

Christmas brings us hope, not because our present reality is perfect, but hope that our future reality will be. We are going to look at this by briefly looking at the person of Mary, mother of Jesus and a song that she sings that builds hope for a future that is much brighter than the present.

Hope is kin to faith. We hope in things we can’t yet see, things that haven’t come to pass. Hope is a prerequisite for faith. Notice the hope in this song, she is rejoicing in the hope of a savior. She has her hope anchored in Christ and what he will accomplish. She doesn’t know the details. She doesn’t know about the cross. She doesn’t know about his suffering. But she knows what the angel told her. She knows he will be called Emmanuel. She knows his name is Jesus for he will save his people from their sins. She doesn’t know how, but her hopes are not anchored in the “how he’s gonna do it”, her hopes are anchored in the finished result. Her hope is that the God who starts a great work within you will be faithful to complete it!